Hello Friends, Today i am going to introduce best way to troubleshoot windows for Repairing Missing Or Corrupt Files From The Command Prompt (cmd).
some times windows unable to boot due to missing system files or may become corrupted.
yesterday i switched on my system, the laptop was caught in a login screen loop.
i fixed this problem by System File Checker (SFC) tool.
How to use:
1. Start Your System
2. On OS Selection Screen Press F8, Choose Safe Mode With Command Prompt.
If Windows Unable to Boot In Safe Boot Mode
1. Insert Windows Bootable Media (USB or DVD)[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignright" width="300"]
How to in windows-Repair Missing Or Corrupt Files From The Command Prompt[/caption]
2. Press any key to boot from CD or DVD as requested, select your language preference and then
3. click Repair your computer. A list of installed operating systems should be displayed – select Windows 7 and click Next.
4. Click On Command Prompt.
For Both Above Final Step is to use the sfc command.
Hope This solution will helpful to fix your problem. :)
some times windows unable to boot due to missing system files or may become corrupted.
yesterday i switched on my system, the laptop was caught in a login screen loop.
i fixed this problem by System File Checker (SFC) tool.
How to use:
1. Start Your System
2. On OS Selection Screen Press F8, Choose Safe Mode With Command Prompt.
If Windows Unable to Boot In Safe Boot Mode
1. Insert Windows Bootable Media (USB or DVD)[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignright" width="300"]

2. Press any key to boot from CD or DVD as requested, select your language preference and then
3. click Repair your computer. A list of installed operating systems should be displayed – select Windows 7 and click Next.
4. Click On Command Prompt.
For Both Above Final Step is to use the sfc command.
Hope This solution will helpful to fix your problem. :)
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